Another drypoint experiment

It took me half the day to measure and tear the paper – but I was also preparing paper for a future day (or 2) in the studio. Since I hadn’t had enough time to prepare a new plate, I decided to try a different way of printing the last 2 drypoint plates I’d made. I inked them up with etching ink in the usual way (I scrape ink into the lines and then wipe with scrim), but then painted on some relief ink which I had thinned further with some thin plate oil.

The first attempt at the ragged robin print was rather messy. I realised that there was a loose hair in the brush (which I removed) and a couple of hairs that stuck out at an angle (so I tried to use the other side of the brush). The brushes I use for acrylics might work better for applying the ink. The deep pink wasn’t quite the colour I wanted. Thinking about it afterwards, I realised that I probably need to use more extender to make the deep pink colour more translucent and therefore a bit lighter.

I tried brushing the orange of the butterfly on lightly on the paler areas on the first but that just looked a bit messy on the print. It seemed to work better with a less tentative approach and leaving the lighter areas without any ink. I think the butterfly works better. I will do some more of those.

Although I was a bit frustrated that I got little printing done and that it didn’t work as well as I’d hoped, I did learn something from it. I also enjoyed the day. It was a busy day in the studio, with three other people using it, and a couple of groups of visitors on guided tours.  I’d already met a couple of my fellow printmakers before, and It was lovely to have a chat now and then as we worked, sharing knowledge of printmaking or getting artwork seen.

Now I need to think of what subject my 20:20 print should be. This is a print exchange scheme between different studios, and I need to make an edition of 25 (20 x 20 cms each) within the next few weeks. I want to make prints that most people might like but can’t think what the subject should be.

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